Sunday, December 14, 2014

Sooyoung Opens Instagram and Weibo Accounts

Sooyoung joined both Instagram and Weibo on the day of the girls’ “Girls’ Generation World Tour – Girls & Peace” stop in Macau on February 15th. Hyoyeon posted a picture on her own Instagraminforming her followers of Sooyoung’s new Instagram account, saying, “This is Insta beginner Sooyoungggggggg welcome welcome”.
hyoyeon sooyoung instagram
Sooyoung’s caption for her first post on Instagram says, “Woody is on top of the cupcake. It’s really cute *_*”. Later, she commented on her own photo several times: “Is this how I do it?”, “Yuri, Hyoyeon”, “Can you see my picture????”, and “Hold on, I will be back from performing”. She even commented on one of Yuri’s photos, saying, “Hi Yuri-ya, I’m Syoung”. Sooyoung also uploaded the same picture onto her Weibo account with the message, “Hello Macao ;) Thank you for our cupcakes”.
Sooyoung is the seventh Girls’ Generation member to join a social media site. Her translated updates and photos for both Instagram and Weibo will be uploaded in the slider below.

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14/11/29: #나이런여자야

14/12/3 [Instagram]: #박소현의러브게임 #셩디줴이 넘즐거운시간 고맙습니다^-^

14/12/5 [Instagram]: Yuri, happy birthday. My baby, oh-gu oh-gu (Translator's note: sounds you'd make at a baby) #1205 #KwonYuri #GonYuri #90erIfSheWasBornALittleLater #ItsAShameYuri #ImA90er #YetImStillFriendsWithYou #IWantToCallYouUnnieNow

14/12/6 [Instagram]: 寒くて鼻だけ赤くなったよ(笑) みんな風邪に気をつけてネ(・Д・)ノ 9日に会おうよ#tokyodome #추워서코가빨개 #산타할배한테연락오겠네

14/12/10 [Instagram]: #pinkocean 이 눈에 아른거려서 眠れない。ステキな思い出ありがとうね。이무대의 진정한주인공은 그대들입니다 #tokyodome

14/12/10 [Instagram]: ハート

14/12/11 [Instagram]: Rapunzel LEGO 놀이 #flynrider #rapunzel

14/12/11 [Instagram]: 완성 soooo cuteeee #tangled #rapunzel #pascalisupstairs 손꾸락아포...

14/12/15 [Instagram]: 셀카봉타임^_^! 아이스버켓챌린지덕분에 너무나 행복한 2014년을 보냈다는 승일오라버니! 도와주신분들께 감사의말씀을 전한답니다 #승일희망재단 #박승일 #icebucketchallenge

14/12/15 [Instagram]: 춥다 단디입어요 감기조심

14/12/17 [Instagram]: 피스붙인거아니에요진짜숱이에요머리무거워요머리말릴때팔떨어져요 언젠가 머리빗는나를보먄서 탱구가이런말을했지..'수..수영아.너멋있다..' 부럽다도아니고 진짜많다도아니고 멋있다라니..뜬금없는사랑고백에설레어쪙 내숱좀가져가@taeyeon_ss

14/12/17 [Instagram]: 미리메리크리스마스^^ 오늘 받은 컵케잌.ㅋ 디자인까지꼼꼼히준비했다는 한 소원의깜찍한마음씨 고마워라^^ 아까워서어떻게먹어~!! #찍자마자바로먹음

14/12/18 [Instagram]: Why are you guys doing this, do you want me to take you guys too?

14/12/20: 할아버지 할머니 부모님께 효도합시다...ㅠㅠ 최고!!!완전감동..ㅠㅠ #국제시장 #꼭보세요두번봐요세번봐요

14/12/20: 소녀시대 & fx 컵케잌 so yummy #smtown #코엑스아티움

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