
On January 16th, Sunny held a five-hour chat and Q&A session with her fans through her Instagramaccount. Sunny posted three photos on her account and spoke to fans using the comments section in each photo. Sunny covered a wide variety of subjects, discussing movies, food, “Candy Crush”, and the “Golden Disk Awards”, which were taking place as Sunny was talking to fans. Check out her comments and answers, as well as the translations (in italics) of the replies written in Korean.
Sunny: 나른하고찌뿌둥하면서도뭔가계속배가고픈하루야~~~
(It’s a day that’s sluggish, gloomy, and [got me] constantly hungry for something~~)
Sunny: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ다들먹고싶은거써보긔
(ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ everyone, write what you want eat)
Sunny: 난허니
(Honey for me)
Sunny: 누뗄라를포함한3대악마의쨈이먹고프다…마쉬멜로쨈이랑카라멜쨈이랑…쿠왕쿠왕!!!
(Including nutella, I want to eat the three devil’s jam… with marshmallow jam and caramel jam… koowang koowang!!!)
Translator’s note: “koowang koowang” is a sound effect.
Sunny: Miss you too guys~ ma honey bunny booboo
Sunny: 미안..교촌허니콤보말한건데…ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
(Sorry.. I was talking about KyoChon’s honey combo…ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ)
Sunny: 팀탐맛나징..
(Tim Tams are good..)
Sunny: 아냐당신들도보고싶어♡근데먹고싶진않쟌나먹음안되쟌나먹음나좀비되쟌나짜증나쟌나
(No, I miss you people, too♡ but I don’t want to eat you. I can’t eat you. If I eat you, I’ll become a zombie. I’d be irritated)
Sunny: 곱창막창하니까갑자기생각났어!!!!!하하오빠가쿠폰줬는데!!!!!!먹으러가야되는데!!!!!!왕창왕창ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
(Speaking of gopchang, makchang, I suddenly remembered!!!!! Haha oppa gave me a coupon!!!!!! I need to go and eat there!!!!!! Lots and lotsㅋㅋㅋㅋ)
Translator’s note: Haha, a singer, is also the owner of a restaurant.
Sunny: 응정뚱땡씨가나주셨어요참좋은형이야…..
(Yes, Jung Ddoong Ddeng sshi gave it to me. He’s such a good hyung)
Translator’s note: “Jung Ddoong Ddeng” refers to Jung Hyungdon. Sunny chose to refer to Jung Hyungdon as “hyung”, though the term is usually used by males when referring to older males.
Sunny: 다들감기조심해여~~
(Everyone, be careful not to catch a cold~~)
Sunny: 갑자기딴소리해서미안기침하다생각나서…내가이래ㅋㅋ
(Sorry for suddenly talking about something else. I remembered while coughing… I’m like thisㅋㅋ)
Sunny: 나기관지염^^;;;
(I have bronchitis^^;;;)
Sunny: 아괜잖아여매니저오빠가병원에서약을한보따리ㅋㅋ짊어지고오셨어ㅋㅋ미안해죽게떠ㅋ
(Ah, it’s okay. Our manager oppa brought a bundleㅋㅋ of medicine from the hospitalㅋㅋ I feel so sorryㅋ)
Sunny: 도라지향이시져…홍삼써서시져…이러니아파도싸지ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
(I don’t like the smell of balloon flower [root]… I don’t like red ginseng because it’s bitter… this is why I deserve to be sickㅋㅋㅋㅋ)
Sunny: 근데나진짜안아프요~~~기침이챙피해서그렇지ㅋㅋ콜록콜록이아니라푸악푸악막이래서ㅋㅋ아프진않은뎅ㅎㅎ
(But I’m really not sick~~~ I’m just embarrassed about my coughㅋㅋ it’s not like kollok kollok, but more like, pu-ack pu-ack ㅋㅋ I’m not sick thoughㅎㅎ)
Translator’s note: “kollok kollok” and “pu-ack pu-ack” are sound effects.
Sunny: 뭘그케지케만봐바부들아얘기를해야지~~걱정하지마영
(Why are you just looking like that babos, you need to talk~~ don’t worry)
Translator’s note: A “babo” is a fool.
Sunny: 아…오늘겨울왕국
(Ah… ‘Frozen’ today)
Translator’s note: She is referring to the recent film.
Sunny: 겨울왕국보고싶오
(I want to watch ‘Frozen’)
Sunny: 난
Sunny: 미키마우스는옛날흑백일때가더귀여운듯.심슨젤좋아.겨울왕국은아직못봤으니까모르겠는데왠지내스타일일듯.
(I think Mickey Mouse was cuter when he was in black and white a long time ago. I like ‘The Simpsons’ the best. I haven’t been able to see ‘Frozen’ yet, so I’m not sure, but I think it would be my style for some reason)
Sunny: 레고x심슨이나온데여~나완전기대하면서기다리는중…
(They say Lego x Simpsons is coming out~I’m totally waiting in anticipation…)
Sunny: 운동화좋아하고스케이트보드모으는거에꽂혔구방향제향초이런거좋아하고…
(I like sneakers, and I’m into collecting skateboards. And I like things like air fresheners and fragrant candles…)
Sunny: 타는건잘안하지..나다치면울소원들기절할꺼잖아..그래서몸쓰는건안하징…근데실내전용아가보드하나이뜸ㅋㅋ
(I don’t ride them much.. if I get hurt, our SONE are going to faint.. so I don’t do things that require physical activity… but I have one children’s [skate]board for indoor useㅋㅋ)
Sunny: 난롤러브레이드랑스키잘탔었어요!!되게좋아했었구!!!지금은..안타지만
(I rode rollerblades and skied well!! I really liked them!!! Now though.. I don’t ride them)
Sunny: 태국음식좋아해여똠양꿈,얌운센,팟타이,프라이드모닝글로리..뭐이런거좋아염..새콤달콤한거좋아하고잘드시면꼭함드셔보세용추천!!
(I like Thai food. Tom yum goong, yamunsen, pad thai, [stir] fried morning glory.. I like things like that.. I like sweet and sour things. Make sure you try it if you do too. Recommended!!)
Sunny: 난롤러코스터,자이로드롭처럼무서운거져아해여..
(I like scary things like rollercoasters and the gyro drop)
Sunny: ㅋㅋ나도일케같이얘기하니까기분이헬렐레~~져아영ㅋ
(ㅋㅋtalking like this together makes my mood feel heollelle~~ i like itㅋ)
Translator’s note: “heollelle” is a sound effect.
Sunny: ㅋㅋㅋ여럿이같이얘기하니까주제가여기저기로튀긴하지만ㅋㅋㅋ미안
(ㅋㅋㅋ though, because many people are talking together, the topic is bouncing aroundㅋㅋㅋ sorry)
Sunny: ㅋㅋㅋ이해해줘서고마워영근데인스타라서그런거보다내가원래좀..ㅋㅋㅋ산만해여~~ㅋㅋㅋ쒀리
(ㅋㅋㅋ thank you for understanding. But it’s not because it’s Instagram, but I normally am a bit.. ㅋㅋㅋ distracted~~ㅋㅋㅋ sorry)
Sunny: 일본에유니버셜스튜디오좋지~다돌아보려면하루가모자랄꺼야글구난디즈니도좋았구후지큐하이랜드도좋았어요….근데내맘속의넘버원은후지큐ㅋㅋ
(Universal Studios in Japan is nice~ a day probably isn’t enough if you want to go all around. And I liked Disney and Fuji-Q Highland…. but the number one in my heart is Fuji-Qㅋㅋ)
Sunny: 기승전치킨
(Ki Seung Jeon chicken)
Sunny: 치킨을생각하면내가슴이통닭통닭
(When I think about chicken, my heart goes tong-dalk tong-dalk)
Translator’s note: Sunny is making a play on words. “Kong-dak kong-dak” is normally the sound of a heart beat while “tong-dalk” means “a whole chicken”.
Sunny: 오늘저녁을치킨어때요치킨
(How does chicken sound for dinner today)
Sunny: 아어쩐지날이흐리다했더니밖에미세먼지짱임?!다들마스크쓰고댕겨여
(Ah, no wonder the day seemed cloudy. There was fine dust outside?! You all go out wearing a mask)
Sunny: 중화요리도좋징!!대만갔을때울할배들이랑먹은죽순볶음이잊혀지질않음ㅠㅠ유린기도맛있구..볶음밥은짜장소스를간짜장으로..후루룩촵촵
(Chinese food is good too!! I can’t forget the stir fried bamboo shoots I ate with our grandpas when we went to Taiwanㅠㅠ Yuringi was good too.. Fried rice with jjajang sauce as gan jjajang [sauce].. Hooroorook chop chop)
Translator’s note: “Hooroorook chop chop” is a sound effect. Sunny is referring to her appearance on “Grandpas Over Flowers”.
Sunny: 오골디시작해뜸?!ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
(Oh, the ‘Golden Disk Awards’ started?!ㅋㅋㅋㅋ)
Sunny: 다들먹을꺼얘기보고입맛돋우라고..밥한입이라도더먹어서배뽈록나오라고..건강하라고..
(I want you all to grow an appetite talking about food.. so your tummy protrudes out from eating one more bite.. so you’re healthy..)
Sunny: 난요즘에이핑크가글케이쁘드라..특히초롱양..에일리너무죠아…또누구있지?!
(Apink is so pretty to me lately.. especially Chorong.. I like Ailee so much… who else is there?!)
Sunny: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ그말이듣고싶었어…우리가젤좋지?!바람피지마ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ나처럼걍쫌만좋아해~!!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
(ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I wanted to hear you say that… you like us the most, right?! Don’t cheat on usㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Like me, just like them a little~!!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋ)
Sunny: 난입맛없거나귀찮을때비빔밥해먹는데..햄이나참치둘중에하나넣고있는반찬대충넣고고추장은초고추장으로!!마무리로참기름살짝둘러서비빔비빔해서봐압봐압먹기
(When I’m not hungry or feel lazy, I make bibimbap.. I put in either ham or tuna, leftover side dishes, and, for red pepper paste, red pepper paste with vinegar!! To top it off, put a little tuna oil and mix it and eat it)
Sunny: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ솟밥어감이상하…미안이런나라…ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
(ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ sotbap sounds weird…sorry for being like this…ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ)
Translator’s note: “Sotbap” is a term coined by Taeyeon. It is a shortened version of the Korean words “fools for Girls’ Generation”.
Sunny: 거마워영♡
(Thank you♡)
Sunny: 내가워낙시고달고새콤달콤을좋아해서..근데이게호불호가갈려여!!!신거싫어하는사람은계란밥추천
(I like sour and sweet things so much.. but this can be split into different things!!! People who don’t like sour things, I recommend sunny side up eggs over rice)
Sunny: 계란후라이하나써니사이드업으로.조심조심노른자살려서~따끈한밥위에간장쪼꼼계란후두리촵촵비비고후비고쵐기름살짝두르면…맛있게따
(A fried egg, sunny side up. Careful, careful, keep the yolk alive~ over a hot bowl of rice, add a little soy sauce and the fried egg, mix it, add a little sesame oil, and… it sounds good)
Sunny: ㅋㅋㅋ타이밍지나도괘아나여다보고있으니꽈ㅋ
(ㅋㅋㅋ it’s okay if you miss the timing. I’m seeing it all)
Sunny: 아글구.젓갈있으면송송썰어서파도송송하고촴기름이랑조물조물해서뒀다가뜨신밥위에살짝얹어서김싸먹으면쫭마싰쪄
(Oh, and. If you have salted fish, cut it up and knead it with sesame oil, and if you put it over a little rice, wrapped in nori, it’s really good)
Sunny: ㅋㅋ미안다들저장해뒀다가담에생각나면글케해서맛나게먹으라고~~
(ㅋㅋ sorry. I’m just telling you all to save it and to try it if you remember later on~~)
Sunny: 아.요즘캔디크러쉬에빠져가지고ㅋㅋㅋ
(Ah. I’ve gotten into ‘Candy Crush’ recentlyㅋㅋㅋ)
Sunny: 아아아김예림양!!!!목소리져아!!!!!!
(Ahhh Kim Yerim!!!! I like her voice!!!!!!)
Sunny: 기다려봥불판갈자ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ캔크캡쳐한거올려주께
(Hold on, let’s switch ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I’ll post up my capture of ‘Candy Crush’)
Sunny: 절루가자!!넘어와어여
(Let’s go over there!! Cross over)
Editor’s note: At this point, Sunny began talking to fans through the comment section on anotherphoto she uploaded onto Instagram. The caption on her photo reads, “‘Candy Crush!!!’ While watching the ‘Golden Disk Awards’, let’s all chat by typing!!!!”

Sunny: 난넘늦게시작해서열심히했는데도아직저레벨..
(I started [playing] really late, so I tried my best, but I’m still at this level)
Sunny: 아엄마한테채널뺏겼…!!!!골디봐야되는뎁흡
(Ah, I lost the channel [to watch] to my mom…!!!! I need to watch golden disk, deb-heub)
Translator’s note: “Deb-heub” is a crying sound.
Sunny: 민호이쁘넹.엠씨잘보넹..하고있었는뎁ㅠㅠ
(Minho’s pretty. He’s good at MCing.. he was [MCing]ㅠㅠ)
Translator’s note: Sunny is acting as if she is upset since her mom changed the channel.
Sunny: 근데저눔저거캔디크러쉬넘잘해…점수높아…레벨도높아…..미오
(But that kid, he’s too good at ‘Candy Crush’… he has a high score… his level is high too….. I hate him)
Sunny: 통다리치킨님 이오셨어요
(Drumstick chicken has come)
Sunny: 규시에오셨어요
(It came at Kyu-o’clock)
Editor’s note: “Kyu o’clock” refers to 5:15. Sunny’s birthday is May 15th, which would be written as 5/15. Sunny’s real name is “Soonkyu”.
Sunny: 같..같이먹을라고…^^;;;;;;;;먄염..쒀리
(I wanted to eat to.. together…^^;;;;;;;; sorry.. sorry)
Sunny: 아오맛나네잉
(Ow, it’s good)
Sunny: 난캔크에현질안햄.
(I don’t spend money on ‘Candy Crush’.)
Sunny: 나자신과의자존심싸움이얌.
(It’s a fight between myself and my pride.)
Sunny: 헐마따엠버가더보이즈한다고내파트라고데헷하면서꺄똑했었는데
(Heol, that’s right. Amber said they’re doing ‘The Boys’ and that she’s doing my part. She said dehet and Kakao’d me)
Editor’s note: Amber is a member of f(x), who performed a cover of “The Boys” at the “Golden Disk Awards”. KakaoTalk is a messaging service. “Dehet” is an expression.
Sunny: 엄마잠시만요
(Mom, just a moment)
Sunny: 아끝났나하고멘붕올뻔ㅋㅋ
(Ah, I thought it was over and almost had menboong)
Translator’s note: “Menboong” means “mental breakdown”. The word was used in the lyrics of “I Got A Boy”.
Sunny: 글게나도소시보고싶다ㅋㅋ
(I know, I want to see Soshi, tooㅋㅋ)
Sunny: 지금은거울봐도소시아녀~순규여순규…
(When I look at the mirror right now, it’s not Soshi~ it’s Soonkyu, Soonkyu…)
Sunny: 무대왜안해여?!뭐져?!
(Why aren’t they performing?! What is this?!)
Sunny: 아마녀사냥!!!져아ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
(Ah, ‘Witch Hunt’!!! I like itㅋㅋㅋㅋ)
Sunny: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ귀엽따아잘했넹우리아가들
(ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ they’re cute. you did well, our babies)
Sunny: 아짧아…뭐좀보려니까끝나쪙
(Ah, it’s short… it ended when I wanted to see more)
Sunny: 치..칠봉!!!
(Chi.. chilbong!!!)
Sunny: 쓰성이냐칠봉이냐..이것은고를수가없는난제…
(Is it sseusung or chilbong.. this is a dilemma that can’t be solved…)
Sunny: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Sunny: 축하해!!!!!!!고마워!!!!!!!!!!!
(Congratulations!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!)
Editor’s note: Sunny’s made her comments as it was announced that Girls’ Generation had received the Popularity Award at the “Golden Disk Awards”.
Sunny: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ파니야ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Sunny: 고마워요우리소원들~~우리서로한테이상이얼마나의미있는지..잘알고있어요~~^^늘고맙고안쓰럽고~근데또이맘다표현하지못해서..미안해~~너무너무고맙구!!사랑하구!!!우리더열심히할껭~!!Thank you n love you ma lovers!! S♡NE
(Thank you, our SONE~~ I know well.. how meaningful this award is for you and us~~^^ I’m always grateful and feel bad~ but, for not being able to express all of these feelings.. I’m sorry~~ thank you so so much!! I love you!!! And we’ll work harder~!! Thank you n love you ma lovers!! S♡NE)
Sunny: 고마워사랑해행복만줄께요~~끼찡유오말랍!
(Thank you, I love you, I’ll only give you happiness~~ kissing you, oh my love!)
Editor’s note: Sunny is using lyrics from “Kissing You”.
Sunny: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ이제오그리토그리고마하까?민망민망김민망
(ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ should I stop this ogeuri togeuri? embarrassed embarrassed embarrassed)
Translator’s note: “Ogeuri togeuri” refers to things that are make someone’s “fingers curl”, an expression that means something is embarrassing.
Sunny: 그래!!!우리오래가자!!!!
(Okay!!! Let’s go on for a long time!!!!)
Sunny: 우리앞으로도지금처럼서로위하는마음잃지말고함께사랑하면서그리고소통하면서같이성장하자..그렇게오래가자..^^♡
(Let’s continue to not lose the feeling of supporting each other, and grow our loving and communicating with each other.. let’s go on for a long time like that..^^♡)
Sunny: 이제오그리토그리그만할꺼야
(I’ll stop with the ogeuri togeri now)
Sunny: 이거또모아서올릴꺼쟌나난나중에그거보면서이불빵빵찰꺼쟌나부끄럽쟌나짜증나쟌나!!!
(You’re going to put these together and post them up. I’m going to see it later and kick my blankets. I’m embarrassed. I’m annoyed!!!)
Editor’s note: Sorry Sunny.
Sunny: 컥..아올리지망
(Keok.. ah, don’t post it up)
Translator’s note: “Keok” is a sound effect.
Sunny: 오사랑니?나4개다났는데1개만뽑았쪄영…
(Oh, wisdom teeth? All 4 of mine came out, but I only got one pulled…)
Sunny: 난다행히4개다곧게나서~~안뽑아도되지만..아무래도..시간이나면하나하나뽑으려구요가끔피곤할때면욱씬욱씬하는거같아서ㅋ
(Fortunately, all 4 of mine grew out straight~~ so I didn’t have to get them pulled.. but still.. I think I’m going to get them pulled one at a time when I have time. Occasionally, when I’m tired, it feels like it achesㅋ)
Sunny: 금니ㅋㅋ나도있어요4개ㅋㅋㅋ이틀연속금값하락이라던데..쫌싸게했어요?
(Gold toothㅋㅋ I have them too, 4ㅋㅋㅋ For two consecutive days, gold prices have been falling.. did you get them done for cheap?)
Sunny: 좋은영화추천해줘요담에잠안올때올레티비로보게~~
(Recommend me a good movie. So I can watch it on TV the next time I’m not sleepy~~)
Sunny: 오홍어바웃타임추천이많넹~잼있나부징?!
(Oh hong. There are a lot of recommendations for ‘About Time’~ it must be fun?!)
Translator’s note: “Oh hong” is a sound effect.
Sunny: 로..로맨스?^^;;;;;눈물찔찔?!..힝..나우는영화시져…
(Ro.. romance?^^;;;;; Trickling tears?!.. Hing.. I don’t like movies that make you cry…)
Translator’s note: “Hing” is a sound effect.
Sunny: 리미트리스봤징~~잼썼어!!!!!
(I’ve seen ‘Limitless’~~ It was fun!!!!!)
Sunny: 맞아공포,스릴러,범죄영화.이런거완전내스타일.인셉션,오션스시리즈,본시리즈,매트릭스1편..이런거짱좋앙~
(Yeah, horror, thrillers, crime films. These are totally my style. ‘Inception’, ‘Ocean’s’ series, ‘Bourne’ series, ‘Matrix’ part 1.. I like these the best~)
Sunny: 컨져링봤집ㅋㅋㅋ혹시공포영화좋아하는사람은”이블데드”보세여~밤에혼자봤는데후들후들무서워쪕ㅋㅋ
(I watched ‘The Conjuring’ㅋㅋㅋ if there are people who like horror movies, watch “Evil Dead”~ I watched it by myself at night, and -tremble- it was scaryㅋㅋ)
Sunny: 맞아페닉룸잼썹!!크리스틴스튜어트가나왔었지아마?ㅎㅎ
(That’s right, ‘Panic Room’ is good!! Kristin Stewart was in it, right?ㅎㅎ)
Sunny: 지브리시리즈무지좋아해요^^디비디많아여^^
(I really like the ‘Ghibli’ series^^ I have a lot of [them on] DVD^^)
Sunny: 아!!무서운거좋아하는사람에겐아이덴티티도!추천!!
(Ah!! Also, ‘Identity’ for people who like scary movies!! I recommend it!!)
Sunny: 아…역시옛날가요들중에명곡들이많아….
(Ah… as expected, there are a lot of classic songs in old Korean music….)
Sunny: 크으~~~~지금오프닝으로하는메들리들진짜노래한곡한곡다명곡이다…
(Keueu~~~~ the medley they’re using for the opening right now, seriously, each and every song is a classic…)
Translator’s note: “Keueu” is a sound effect.
Sunny: 주..줄무늬에멜빵?!…처키?!?!
(Str..striped suspenders?! … Chucky?!?!)
Sunny: 나와따!!!!!!!!!여보야들!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(They’re on!!!!!!!!! Honeys!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Editor’s note: Sunny made this comment in response to Taeyeon and Tiffany appearing on screen at the “Golden Disk Awards”.
Sunny: 이쁘네잉
(They’re pretty)
Sunny: 이문세선배님,김건모선배님,고김광석선배님노래들어봐요~~내가너무좋아하는목소리의존경하는선배님들
(Listen to seniors Lee Moonsae, Kim Gunmo, and the late Kim Kwangseok’s songs~~ they are seniors I admire, who have voices that I really like)
Sunny: 엑소추카추카
(EXO congrats congrats)
Sunny: 그르게나도컴백하고프다잉~근데솔직히컴백후스케줄이쫌무서운것도사실..
(Yeah, I want to make a comeback too~ but, to be honest, it’s true that I’m afraid of our schedule after a comeback..)
Sunny: 아후아후~~~~
Sunny: 그래그럼질문과답변시간하자!!음…불판갈아말아?!?!ㅋㅋ
(Okay then, let’s do question and answer!! Um… should I switch the grill or not?!?!ㅋㅋ)
Translator’s note: Sunny is wondering whether or not to change photos to use a different comment section.
Sunny: 옮겨갑세!고고고!!!!
(Switch over! Gogogo!!!!)
Editor’s note: Here, Sunny again uploads another photo to Instagram and uses its comments section for a question and answer session. The caption for this photo reads, “Time for question and answer!!! #gatherroundsone”.

Sunny: 소원사랑먹어서이쁘징쁘잉쁘잉
(I’m prettyyy from eating love from SONE)
Sunny: @nivea0 남자친구사귀는방법이라..답변자를잘못고르셨네요…
(How to get a boyfriend.. You chose a bad question…)
Sunny: @sunny_db 단호박.
(Sweet pumpkin)
Sunny: @taeyeonginger1 전카페인에예민해서커피나에너지드링크는잘안먹는편이지만..가끔아메리카노를마시긴해요.그치만역시같은카페인이면초코나카라멜음료
(I’m sensitive to caffeine, so I usually don’t drink coffee or energy drinks, but.. I do drink americano occasionally. But, if it’s the same kind of caffeine, chocolate or caramel drinks)
Sunny: @ti309 비행기에선주로자요.아님기내에서상영하는영화를보는편이예요..특히애니메이션많이봐요
(I usually sleep on the plane. Or I watch the movie playing in the cabin.. in particular, I watch a lot of animated movies)
Sunny: @pero_que_bien 순할 순, 헤아릴 규 써요~
(Gentle ‘Soon’ and assessing ‘Kyu’~)
Translator’s note: Sunny is explaining her name’s meaning.
Sunny: @kidsoonkyu 스누피, 가필드, 캘빈과홉스, 심슨, 퓨쳐라마 좋아해요^^
(I like Snoopy, Garfield, Calvin and Hobbes, ‘The Simpsons’, and ‘Futurama’)
Sunny: @gasio9 슬램덩크하면역시강백호지.
(When you think of slam dunks, of course it’s Kang Baekho)
Sunny: @tyhy39528 저도짧은머리를더좋아해요!편하니까!!하지만…당분간은더길러야할것같아요~~많은사람들의성원(?!)에힘입어..ㅋㅋ
(I like short hair better too! Because it’s comfortable!! But… I think I will have to let it grow out for a while~~ Thanks to many people’s support(?!)..ㅋㅋ)
Sunny: @complete_9g 정대만은도희아님?!내장으로젓갈을담가불라
(Isn’t Jung Daeman Dohee?! I’m gonna make ‘jeotgal’ with your internal organs)
Translator’s note: Sunny is making references to “Slam Dunk” and “Reply 1994″.
Sunny: @katesis 한회사식구들이니까전체적으로다사이좋긴한데수호가젤사근사근해여~~리더라그런가ㅎㅎ
(Because we’re in one company family, overall, we’re all close, but Suho’s the most amiable~~ I wonder if it’s because he’s the leaderㅎㅎ)
Sunny: @rmd_rmd9 진짜어려워..쓰성과칠봉은…합쳤다나눴으면좋겠어
(It’s really hard.. sseusung and chilbong… I wish they were combined)
Sunny: @rusiel_ 고생했어요토닭토닭
(You worked hard. Pat pat)
Sunny: @sungjun_shs 유까살
Sunny: @pppsosi 그러려고만든시간인데뭐어때~~~스마일스마일
(That time was made to do that, so who cares~~~ smile smile)
Sunny: @haengboknamu 아랍에미리트, 스위스, 하와이, 아프리카..넘많앙~
(Arab Emirates, Switzerland, Hawaii, Africa..there are too many~)
Sunny: @yeji_ss 난찍먹.근데북경식꿔바로우탕수육은부먹식이라..결론은이런들어떠하리저런들어떠하리맛만좋음그만이지..
(I dip it. But peking-style tangsooyook is poured over so.. in conclusion, whether you do it like this or that, it doesn’t matter if it’s good)
Sunny: @young9791 나만화책완전좋아해요근데어디빌려다볼곳이없어서요즘못보고있어요..만화방은가본적없어요!
(I really like comic books. But there isn’t anywhere for me to rent them, so I haven’t been able to read any lately.. I’ve never been to a comic book store!)
Sunny: @_kyu_s 난뮤뱅,게릴라데이트날보라ㅋㅋ그날그라데이션이참잘나왔쪄영ㅋㅋ
(For me, ‘Music Bank’ and ‘Guerilla Date”ㅋㅋ the gradation came out quite well that dayㅋㅋ)
Sunny: @heony0525 난색깔중에검정,핑크,빨강.좋아해요
(I like the colors black, pink, red.)
Sunny: @sunnylee515 네~비디오게임좋아해요^^어렸을때많이했었어요!!
(Yes~ I like video games^^ I played a lot when I was little!!)
Sunny: @kazi_ss 면요리는좋아하는데전통라면은그닥좋아하지않아요ㅋㅋ근데짜장라면이나치즈라면,비빔면은좋아해요!!
(I like dishes with noodles, but I don’t really like traditional ramenㅋㅋ but I like jjajang or cheese ramyun, and bibimmyun!!)
Sunny: @gun1031 주부애…나이먹어서이젠힘들어요…ㅋㅋ
(Joobooae… I’m old so it’s difficult now…ㅋㅋ)
Translator’s note: “Joobooae” is a shortened form of “aegyo that calls for a punch”.
Sunny: @saehoon_zz 이상형은착한남자요^^
(My ideal type is a kind guy^^)
Sunny: @smj0786 무한도전, 개콘, 라디오스타, 마녀사냥ㅋㅋㅋ
(‘Infinite Challenge’, ‘Gag Concert’, ‘Radio Star’, ‘Witch Hunt’ㅋㅋㅋ)
Sunny: @sosie9 ㅋㅋㅋ고마워용~~
(ㅋㅋㅋ thank you~~)
Sunny: @magotaeng 바나나드세요~마그네슘섭취하세요~
(Eat a banana~ ingest magnesium~)
Sunny: @arsene2013 파니라면교촌의오리지널과소이살살을추천했겠지만나는허니…
If it was Tiffany, she’d recommend KyoChon’s original and soy sal sal, but I’d [recommend] honey…
Sunny: @hyunaaa_26 모든건순전히타이밍…전부다답해주지못해서미안해영~~^^;;
(Everything’s pure timing… I’m sorry for not being able to answer everything~~^^;;)
Sunny: @dbsdud8614 오홍신선하다ㅋㅋ나?……힐과깔창에서벗어날수있다면어떤그룹이든상관없오ㅋㅋ
(Oh hong, I’m excitedㅋㅋ Me?…… if I can break away from heels and insoles, I don’t care what group it isㅋㅋ)
Sunny: @ivsa1116 그냥갑자기소원보고싶어서이런시간을만든거예요^^
(I suddenly just missed SONE, so I made time like this)
Sunny: @song05 폰!!
Sunny: @sonejb 화장의유무?!ㅋㅋ
(The existence of makeup?!ㅋㅋ)
Sunny: @tangu95 습관있어요~~고개가한쪽으로자꾸기우는거…ㅋㅋ
(I have a habit~~ tilting my head to one side…ㅋㅋ)
Sunny: @tangco9 워킹데드가쫭이징ㅋㅋ
(‘The Walking Dead’ is the bestㅋㅋ)
Sunny: @hacienda5975 벌써하고있는데요즘은안하고있다능.레벨24였나?몇인데ㅋㅋ
(I was already doing it, but I haven’t lately. I think I was level 24? How much is itㅋㅋ)
Editor’s note: Sunny’s next comments were made in response to Girls’ Generation receiving the Bonsang Award at the “Golden Disk Awards”. Yuri and Sooyoung made an appearance at the show to accept the award with Taeyeon and Tiffany.
Sunny: 오!!!!!!!
Sunny: 본상감상감사합니다!!!!!!
(Thank you for the bonsang!!!!!!)
Sunny: 유리수영이이쁘돠아!!!!!!!
(Yuri and Sooyoung are pretty!!!!!!!)
Sunny: 고마워요소원~!!!!!!!
(Thank you SONE~!!!!!!!)
Sunny: 히히히~~~곧있으면좋은모습으로컴백해서멋진무대많이보여줄께요^^너무너무축하하고고마워요소원♡사랑해요~
(Hehehe~~~ we’ll come back soon with a good appearance and show you lots of great performances^^ really, really congratulations and thank you SONE♡ I love you~)
Sunny: 다들함께달리느라고생했어요조심히들들어가서푹쉬고요~이미집인친구들은어여씻고잘준비하고ㅋㅋ하루를정리하는여유로운시간을가질수있길~!!
(Thank you for all your hard work running [forward] together. Get home safely and rest well~ people who are already home, hurry and wash up and get ready for bedㅋㅋ I hope you have time to relax and look back on your day~!!)
Sunny: 나야말로같이놀아줘서고마웠어요~~~^^다들푹쉬어요!!!
(I should be the one saying it. Thank you for playing with me~~~^^ everyone rest well!!!)
Sunny: 이제나도쉬러갈께요~~^^*다들굿밤♡
(I’m going to go rest now too~~^^* everyone, goodnight♡)