Saturday, January 7, 2012

Girls’ Generation receives psychology counseling on ‘Dangerous Boys’

On a recent recording of jTBC‘s ‘SNSD and the Dangerous Boys‘, the girls surprised producers by requesting to sit with a psychology counselor for themselves.
The episode focused on having their ‘dangerous’ students talk about their problems and receive help through a counselor. The girls watched over the process on video and later met with the counselor themselves to see what they can do as mentors to help.
The members of Girls’ Generation were surprised at how clear his explanations were and how accurately he had diagnosed them, especially since the boys had confessed to some dark and hurtful pasts that truly worried them. As mentors, they were also interested in getting themselves analyzed.
The students’ and Girls’ Generation’s psychological counseling can be seen through the January 8th episode, which airs at 7:30 p.m.

J.ESTINA 公开 TIFFANY 与 秀英 的宣传照!

续早前为大家报道过关于名牌宝宝J. ESTINA公开2012 少女时代 泰妍-徐贤 的新宣传图以后,目前J. ESTINA再度公开了Tiffany和秀英的宣传照。