Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Yuri Opens Instagram Account


Original article from June 14th, 2013:
On June 13th, Yuri opened an Instagram account under the username yulyulk and shared a photo of herself from Girls’ Generation’s “2013 Girls’ Generation’s World Tour – Girls & Peace” tour.
Yuri is now the third member of Girls’ Generation to join the photo sharing service, following Taeyeonand Hyoyeon. Taeyeon recently uploaded a photo of herself and the members of Girls’ Generation from the world tour concerts in Seoul, and included a caption tagging both Hyoyeon and Yuri.
All of the photos Taeyeon and Hyoyeon have uploaded and their captions can also be found on Soshified. Yuri’s photos will be shown below and updated with their captions translated as well.

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14/2/4: 오늘 나 - -

14/2/8: Ogu-ogu ^^^ #LetsGetYouGroomed #BabyLionHani (Translator's note: Ogu-ogu is similar to going 'Aigoo aigoo'. Doesn't really have any meaning.)

14/2/11: My friend, 9-1 Syoung. Really, happy birthday. I really feel reassured because of you ..I think it's going to be like that for the rest of my life..^^

14/2/14: My first cupcake. It's a present. Fany and teacher Ssun. Its' fun

14/2/14: Goodnight, fans. Have pretty dreams.

14/2/14: SONE.

14/2/15: 아가때 #도도 #그래봤자귀여엉




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