Original article from July 7th, 2013:
On July 7th, Sunny opened an Instagram account under the username svnnynight and shared a cute selca of herself. Along with the photo, Sunny posted a caption which translated to, “Hi?!…it’s me*^^* Hiiiiiiiii first post!!!” To go along with her new Instagram account, Sunny also revealed she joined Twitter under the username Sunnyday515. Her first tweet translated to, “Hello?! Nice to meet you~ I finally joined twitter!!!!! :)”.
Sunny is now the fourth member on Instagram, following Taeyeon, Hyoyeon, and Yuri, and the fifth member overall on social networking sites after Jessica opened a Weibo account. All the photos that Sunny has shared will be uploaded below and will be updated with their captions translated as well.

13/9/22: Happy Birthday Hyoraengi~! Happy birthday hyo~^^*

13/10/4: At the Taipei 101 tower!!!! The unseen director's cut episode of 'Grandpas Over Flowers' airs soon!!!! Watch the original live broadcast~!!!!^^* @Taipei101 >_< #GrandpasOverFlowers On air live now!! Go watch ;)

13/10/9: 이거므야왜맛있지달달허니좋넹~ Sweet things♥ #pink #candypop

완전맘에들었던바나나네일아트!!ㅋㅋ갑자기바나나가땡겨서 Designed by Sunny♥ #banana #nails

13/10/12: 잘먹고힘내서공연잘할께용~^^ Singapore!!! Put it back oooon~ kkkk!! See ya♥ #ggtour

13/10/17: S.Save me, Prince!!!! Help!!! Prince trying to eat me!!!!! Prince Fluffy. His Korean name #황복실

13/10/18: Getting ready to go on stage~~!!! I'm going going going now~~!!!!! See you at the stage!!^^♥

13/10/18: Getting ready to go on stage~~!!! I'm going going going now~~!!!!! See you at the stage!!^^♥

13/10/18: 비행..피할수없다면즐겨라!!!!!!!!공항서점에서왕창쇼핑ㅋㅋ다들빠잉~베이징에서봐용!!!^^ See ya in Beijing! :)♥

13/10/31: #LongKyu is coming!!!!!!! WOW! My hair has grown so fast!!! Don't you think so?!

13/11/2: Give me ice cream, please~ filled with love! Give me just two~♥ Ice cream~ ice cream~ I melt you down like ice cream♥ #아이스크림 #icecream

13/11/4: I woke up... so.. I changed the coloringㅋㅋㅋ the photo just.. suddenly seemed to suit dawn... *=_=* ㅋㅋㅋㅋ have some #milk!!kkk..goodnight! and sweet dreams♥ #goodnight

13/11/2: Give me ice cream, please~ filled with love! Give me just two~♥ Ice cream~ ice cream~ I melt you down like ice cream♥ #아이스크림 #icecream

13/11/4: I woke up... so.. I changed the coloringㅋㅋㅋ the photo just.. suddenly seemed to suit dawn... *=_=* ㅋㅋㅋㅋ have some #milk!!kkk..goodnight! and sweet dreams♥ #goodnight

13/11/4: Thank you, our SONE!!! For making 'I Got A Boy' the video of the year.. We'll do better!! We'll repay you with better music, music videos, and stages/performances!! 10th members!!! Thank you so much and I love you~^^♥ Thanks for everything my lovers!!! Party tonight! Rock!!!! Kkkk #ymta #sone

13/11/5: Why can't I keep my other eye open when I wink? ㅋㅋ #wink with chocolate covered orange♥ #yummy

13/11/5: Why can't I keep my other eye open when I wink? ㅋㅋ #wink with chocolate covered orange♥ #yummy

13/11/6: #myohmy #bunny Baby bunny.. like you have until now, continue to be happy next to your normal owner.. because i love you~heub (Translator's note: like the sound of holding back tears)! I'll let you go heub heub!!♥ Yes hunny bunny bubu.. I'll let you go.. Because I love you..♥ #sunnybunny

13/11/8: 가을이다아~ #autumn♥
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