Thursday, November 4, 2010

[Info] To my beloved SNSD and SONEs

献给我最爱的少时 和SONE们

感谢你们 少女时代

感谢你泰妍 是你那开朗的性格让我的世界从此多彩!

感谢你西卡 是你的笑容让我明白这世间的美丽!

感谢你帕尼 是你的坚强让我学会了勇敢面对!

感谢你珊妮 是你的动人撒娇让我有了笑容!

感谢你Yuri 是你的美丽让我以此生铭记!

感谢你孝渊 是你那动人的舞姿让让我们的舞台得以震动!

感谢你秀英 是你那强大的气势让我们弱弱的对你倾倒!

感谢你允儿 是你那女神形象让我深深的为你着迷!

感谢你徐贤 是你那天真的善良让我的心为触动!



是你们让我从浑浑噩噩的生活中醒来 让我的心灵有了寄托的港湾

或许正如一句话说的“给你一件东西的时候 还会剥夺你的另一件物品”

在认识你们的短短两个月的开心时光后 迎来了一纸红色的入伍通知

让我加入了部队这个家庭的生活 在部队枯燥烦闷的生活中



尽管我们相隔一方 你们也不认识我 但身为你们那众多粉丝中一员的我

只能在心中默默的为你们加油 祝福 希望你们能勇敢的走下去

两年的服役期满后 当我在次的找寻你们的新闻时

看到你们那一座座用辛苦 泪水和汗水换来的奖杯时

我就知道你们 是最棒的 你们不会让我们这些一直陪伴你们的粉丝失望的

你们就是我的信仰 不管以后你们的路是平坦还是坎坷




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user posted image

Translation :

To my beloved SNSD, and SONEs

Thank you, SNSD.

Thank you, Taeyeon, you outgoing personality made my world shines!

Thank you, Jessica, your smile made me realizes how pretty the world is!

Thank you, Tiffany, your determination made me brave to face all problems!

Thank you, Sunny, your aegyo made my smiles!

Thank you, Yuri, your beauty is unforgettable in my whole life!

Thank you, Hyoyeon, your dance beat made our stage shocking!

Thank you, Sooyoung, your strong force made me fall for you weakly!

Thank you, Yoona, your goddess image made me crazy!

Thank you, Seohyun, your innocence made me touched!

God had planned this, he linked me with 9 extraordinary girls in an ordinary year of 2007!

If there wasn’t you girls, my life would just go on as ordinary as it can be.

It was you girls, came into my world, woke me up, and gave my aimless soul a shelter.

Perhaps there was a saying: “ If you are given one thing, you will be taken one”,

Knowing you girls for only 2 happy months, I received the notice to the army,

And I joined the army family and the boring military life.

It was your sweet voice that gave me strength to proceed.

During the second year of my military service, when I heard about the black ocean, I cried.

Although you would never know me, as a SONE,

All I could do was pray and cheer for you silently, hoping that you could go on bravely.

2 years later I was released. When I searched for you news again,

I saw the trophies out of your diligence, sweat, and tears,

I knew, that you are always the best, and you never fail the fans that had been always supporting you.

You are my faith. No matter it is easy or hard on your way,

I will always protect you and hold your back with my meager strength~~

Your smile is my energy source~~ Thank you~~Soshi~~Thank you~~ SONE

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